There is nothing more frustrating than when your cooling system stops working. We all can relate that there is never a good time for this type of issue. Wishing aside, have you considered what to do if your AC does break down? Who do you call? How much do they charge? It is a very unpleasant situation to be in — because the temperture inside your home will rise very quickly. To minimize the discomfort of this situation, use this guide for how to handle an Emergency AC Service need.
Warning Signs of Impending AC Emergencies
Sooner or later, all AC systems are going to break down. It’s simply inevitable. However, before an air conditioning system breaks down, it will typically give warning signs. Here’s what to look and listen for:
- Grinding. Grinding and screeching noises often indicate a problem with the blower motor (either at the inside air handler or the outdoor unit).
- Rattling. Rattling and clamoring noises can indicate ductwork problems.
- Dirt, dust, and debris. Too much dirt and debris at the air vents can indicate damaged ductwork, or a dirty system, which could be the result of not keeping your system maintained with regular maintenance tune ups.
Know Who to Call for Emergency AC Service
Do you have the phone number to a trusted HVAC contractor in your contacts? You should. Who are you going to call when you need emergency AC service? If you have an established relationship with a heating and air contractor, perhaps through an HVAC Energy Savings (maintenance) plan, you’ll receive priority service. That’s exactly what you need during a hot summer AC emergency.
Know What to Do During AC Emergencies
Your instinct may tell you to turn off your AC system when you think something is wrong, and that is correct. If you hear any of the noises previously mentioned or you smell unusual odors from the vents, turn off the AC and call your HVAC contractor. You could be preventing a bad situation from getting worse. Once you speak with your HVAC professional, he or she will notify you if safe to turn systyem on till they can arrive to repair.
Contact the HVAC professionals at Jackson & Sons for all your heating and cooling needs.